22 Days is a romantic film released in 2018 directed by Shiivam Tiwari and starring Shivam Tiwari, Kritika Menon, Sophiya Singh and is produced by Dinesh Ramana for the QatreBornes Films Banner.
The story is about Vishal Shivratan(Shiivam Tiwari) a Mauritian business tycoon who lives with his doting wife Aditi(Kritika Menon) . Vishal is aiming to the be on the top slot in business and joins hands with Omitino Zaprio(Rahul Dev). Vishal gets into a business loss and faces bankruptcy after being cheated. Aditi his wife has filed for a divorce and he is left with nothing. Vishal’s loyal secretary Sonal( Kriti Chaudhary) saves him finally.. The film is not much of a story but has good.