Aandhi is a 1975 political drama film starring Sanjeev Kumar and Suchitra Sen in the lead roles. The film directed by Gulzar is allegedly connected to the life of the then Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi and her relationship with her husband, but in reality it also reflected upon the inspiration drawn upon by the politician Tarkeshwari Sinha and Indira Gandhi.
The couple estranged due to the difference that occur in their relationship end up meeting once again when Aarti Devi (Suchitra Sen) is a leading politician years later, happens to stay in the hotel run by her husband JK (Sanjeev Kumar) during her election campaign. Despite the long separation the couple start feeling the closeness after years but fear her name being tarnished that would jeopardize her election campaign, Aarti steps back not letting the relationship get closer and hesitates their growing fondness. The film became famous for its songs too by R.D. Burman and written by Gulzar.