Amrapali is an Action-Thriller Romantic Historical Drama Film crafted with excellence by Lekh Tandon. The Story revolves around the life of Ajaatha Shatru (played by Suni Dutt)- the emperor of Samrat- who always wanted to take over the Kingdom of Vaishali - ruled by Samrat (played by Bipin Gupta)- but always get defeated, leading him to become disguise and take shelters at the home of Amrapali (played by Vyjayanthimala)- A Beautiful girl and her family, they both started to fell in love and when Samrat realizes the true identity he abducts Amrapali and Ajaatha Shatru takes all his army and attacks the Samrat, leading to victory- and rescues Amrapali- but her heartbroken after coming to know the reality, leading to consequences.