Baa Baaa Black Sheep is an action comedy film featuring Anupam Kher, Manish Paul, Annu Kapoor, Manjari Phadnis and Kay Kay Menon in the lead roles. The film is directed by Vishal Pandyaa and is produced by Bhushan Kumar and Krishen Kumar, for the Super Cassettes Industries Ltd.
The movie released on 23rd March 2018 whose title is inspired from the very popular nursery rhyme has very little to offer to appeal to the masses.
Vishal Pandya’s crime escapades Baa Baa Black Sheep is about Baba ( Manish Paul) the son of the cashew owner in Goa but he comes to realize he is actually the son of a man who belongs to the crime fighting vigilante’s clan. Anupam Kher plays the role of his father as Charudutt pretends to be the henpecked husband in the house and is a peace loving man but outside he is the rooster.
Baba falls in love with Angelina ( Manjari Phadnis) the daughter of the Art forger Brian ( Annu Kapoor) .The movie continued with the police offer Shivraj ( Kay Kay Menon) who is on a trial of gangsters and is supported by the corrupt home minister Utpal ( Manish Wadhwa) who is off course the king pin in the drug trade of Goa.