Benaam is a thriller film directed by Narendra Bedi, produced by Ranjit Virk, starring Amitabh Bachchan, Moushumi Chatterjee, Sharat Saxena, Prem Chopra and Madan Puri. Released on 18th October 1974.
The story is about Sheetal (Moushumi Chatterjee) and Amit (Amitabh Bachchan) who are married and have a son. On their way one night from a party they witness a murder of a press reporter and Amit admits the victim to the hospital. He starts getting threat calls, someone knows that Amit has found a torn invitation card as a proof.
Unfortunately, Amit and Sheetal’s son is kidnapped, blackmailing and tyranny begins, He takes help from the cops and finally find the culprits and get their son back safe.