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Beyond - The Third Kind

Released On - 30 Jan 2015     1hr 28min


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This is the story of a boy who feels and has mannerisms of a lady but is afraid of people judging him. He is full of insecurities and shame because of his condition and goes through low self-esteem because of it. There are many people who live two faced lives of frustration. One face they have for the world which is guarded and fake, while the other is their true nature. The true nature is only shared with the ones they completely trust and love.


The story of Beyond- The Third Kind also shows the lives of sex workers, girls working at dance bars, models, cops and brokers. The struggles of the women in the professions that are frowned upon are always at risk because everyone judges them for their choices, but in reality, it is just a job for them like any other job of a engineer, doctor or scientist. Maybe its not as respectable but the job is a means to earn a livelihood and survival for them.


The movie is directed by Shiraz Henry and produced by Jasmine Siddiqui Panjwani and Tehsin Ali Panjwani. The music is composed by Sahil Shekar and the cinematography is by Shiraz Henry. The dialogue and screenplay is written by Jai Tari. The star cast includes Jai Tari and Nathasha Sikka.