The movie is based on the Spanish opera called Carmen and its story revolves around the life of a vivacious girl called Chamki. She is wild yet laidback and is short tempered. She has been with many men but due to her irresponsible nature id unable to sustain her relationship with any of them. A BSF jawan, Dilip falls for her charms and is ready to do anything for his ladylove. He even goes against his superior.
The jawan takes his fascination one step further by joining drug runners group, which also has Chamki as its member. Dilip seems to be in a world of bliss being around Chamki, but soon things begin to fall apart when her murky past and aspiring future show their face to him.
On the verge of losing his sanity, Dilip is now riddled with the dilemma of whether he should let Chumki go her own way or be with her till the very end. The movie is directed by Shyam Benegal and produced by Sanjay Gupta and Sheetal Vinod Talwar. The music is composed by A.R Rahman. The cast includes Sanjay Dutt, Priyanka Chopra and Yashpal Sharma.