Dr. Tareeq, played by Farookh Sheikh lives with his wife Dr. Sayara, played by Sarika. They lose their only son Iqbal at a young age and get extremely lonely after he’s gone. It affects the couple badly, especially Tareeq who develops suicidal tendencies and Sayara is unable to handle him. They decide to move from Pune to Mumbai, in hope of some distraction and respite from their tragedy.
They meet their over enthusiastic and overtly loud neighbor, Manubhai, who comes in their life as a welcome change. He seems to have filled in the void and nothingness that they were trying to get rid of. Manubhai forms a bond with the couple and introduces them to members of his exclusive club called Club 60. The other members in the group include Dhillion, played by Sharat Saxena, Mansukhani, played by Satish Shah, Zafar, played by Tinu Anand and Sinha, played by Vineet Kumar.
The crazy jokes, laughs, conversations and adventures the Club 60 is known for gives an almost new lease of life to Dr. Tareeq and Dr. Sayara. They start living again instead of just existing. The movie is directed by Sanjay Tripathy and produced by Kavee Kumar. The music is composed Pranit Gedham.