The story of this film is based on real life events that took place at the Purushottam theatre in Pune. A young dramatist who is ambitious and full of ideas, revolts against his tutor to make his own group. His main aim is to win the esteemed theatre competition and make his voice heard. The film is directed by Kranti Kanade and produced by Kranti Kanade,Shakuntala Kanade,Eesha Thaker. The music is composed by Garth Neustadter and the film’s story is written by Kranti Kanade and Dharmakirti Sumant. The cinematography is by Daniel Katz. The star cast includes Mrinmayee Godbole, Abhay Mahajan, Saurabh Saraswat, Isha Keskar, Vinay Sharma and Geetika Tyagi.