Deep Jalta Rahe is an Emotional-Romantic Family Drama Film crafted with excellence by Datta Dharmadhikari. The Story revolves around the life of Ashok- A Kind-Man living with his adopted Father- Dhanraj- who loves him more than his son- Jeevan and this makes him evil against him. Ashok fells in love with Mala - A Beautiful girl and wanted to marry her- But Jeevan feels jealous and spent his time drinking. Dhanraj sends Ashok to London for further studies and Jeevan takes over the house and starts a bad habit, leading death of Dhanraj. Things get complicated- when he marries Mala- as she sacrifices her love for her father's health and Ashok felt heartbroken, leading to consequences. Primary Starcast-Abhi Bhattacharya, Manju, Randhir