The story of this movie revolves around a mirror that is believed by many to be haunted by evil spirits. A brother Kabir and his sister Natasha are disturbed by the untimely death of their parents and seek answers as to what happened to them. They go deep into a forest and loose their way back home. In the midst of the forest they find a home and a man living inside. They take refuge for a while there. That is when they see the truth in the mirror. They see how their mother and father were brutally murdered. They now have to find their parent’s killer.
The film is directed by Prawaal Raman and LeenaTandon. The film is produced by Prawaal Raman and Ishan Saksena. The story is written by Mike Flanagan. The star cast includes Saqib Saleem, Huma Qureshi,Lisa Ray, Adil Hussain, Madalina Bellariu Ion and Rhea Chakraborty.