The story of the movie revolves around a bunch of criminals from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar who get an easy entry into politics. The dirty politics of muscle power and that of money is depicted as being very prominent in the system. Based on certain true events, the story centers around Munna Siddiqi, who starts off by being an honest and simple politician but ends up being a ruthless and conniving charater.
Although Munna means well and is always out there helping the underprivileged and down trodden, his means of doing so itself are quite questionable, which also gets him into trouble a lot of times. The modern Indian culture and its political structure is questioned throughout.
Ek Bura Aadmi is directed by Ishraq Shah and produced by Surendra Rajiv and Zenaida Mastur. The music is composed by Band of Bandagi. The cinematography is done by Mahendra Pradhan. The movie’s cast includes Arunoday Singh, Kitu Gidwani, Yashpal Sharma, Raghuveer Yadav and Angira Dhar.