The story of the film revolves around the injustice dished out by powerful and wealthy landlords to the poor defenseless villagers. In a remote village one day a group of villagers find a pot of gold, but the ruthless zamindar snatches it without a second thought to add it to his already exploding riches and not giving the villagers a dime. Gangvaa comes into the picture as noble and tough man who is intolerant to injustice and cruelty. He slaughters the zamindar and his henchmen. He then makes a gang of all the men who have been tortured and exploited by the wealthy zamindars of the village and roam around stealing from the rich and giving it to the deserving poor.
Meanwhile seeing his bravery and guts, a village girl named Jamuna falls in love with him. Just when all was going well, a village belle comes forward to complaint that Gangvaa has raped her. Jamuna is appalled at this and finds out that in reality it is another man named Gangvaa who has committed the crime. Meanwhile the new DSP will not let Gangvaa have his parallel justice and do everything in his power to stop him. The film is directed by Rajshekar and produced by B S Dwarkesh. The star cast includes Rajnikanth, Shabana Azmi, Sarika, Suresh Oberoi, Kader Khan and Amrish Puri.