Gumrah is an Emotional-Romantic Family Drama Film crafted with excellence by B.R. Chopra. The Story revolves around the life of Meena (played by Mala Sinha)- A Sweet girl living with her Widowed Father in Nanital and a Sister- Kamla (played by Nirupa Roy)- the Elder- who got married to Ashok (played by Ashok Kumar)- A Barrister and has children. Rajendra (played by Sunil Dutt)- A Kind-Hearted man who fell in love with Meena and wants to marry her. Things get complicated- when Kamla dies in an Accident and her father wants Meena to marry Ashok and take care of children and she agrees. However, Rajendra and Meena meet secretly and this causes a problem for her wife- Leela (played by Shashikala), leading to consequences.