Ravi, played by Akshay Kumar lives with his parents and sister. They live a wealthy lifestyle where all the comforts and luxuries have always been a part of their lifestyle. Meanwhile Ravi falls in love with a beautiful girl called Kavita, played by Varsha Usgaonkar and both soon decide to get married. Ravi and Kavita have a blissful life together when their life is turned upside down. Ravi’s father Ratanlal gets murdered on refusing a land offer by another businessman called Murugan. All this is witnessed by Ravi who tries to intervene and gets severely injured and hospitalized.
Kavita notices that Ravi doesn’t to be himself after the incident. He keeps to himself and is very secretive. She starts to fear that Ravi is having an affair. However little does Kavita know that Ravi was actually killed in the attack along with his father and has turned into a shape shifting snake. He is now out to kill Murugan and avenge his father’s death. The movie is directed by Kader Kashmiri and produced by SA Luthria. The story is written by M. Salim. The music is composed byNadeem-Shravan. The star cast includes Johny Lever, Navin Nischol, Laxmikant Berde, Sudhir, Harish Patel, Firoz Irani, Pankaj Berry, Raza Murad, Rajesh Vivek, Abhay Bhargav, Rajendra Gupta and Reema Lagoo.