Hum Sab Ustad Hain is an Action-Crime Thriller Romantic Comedy Family Drama Film crafted with excellence and written by Maruti. The Story revolves around the life of Shyam (played by Shiekh Mukhtar)- A Simple man living with his wife Radha (played by Lalita Kumari)- a pregnant woman- has life changes- when he got arrested for a crime- which he has not commented on and put behind the Bars. Ram (played by Dara Singh)- his child and Radha moved to another village and started a new life. Eight years- Shyam formed his gang and involved Roopa (played by Ameeta)- a sweet girl by kidnapping her brother and asking her to steal. Kishore (played by Kishore Kumar)- A Detective sets on the path to rescue the Abducted from Shyam, leading to consequences.