Directed by Pushpdeep Bhardwaj, produced by Mukesh and Sakshi Bhatt, released on the 12 th of October 2018. Starring Rhea Chakraborty, Debutant Varun Mitra, Aanya Dureja.
The story is about an upcoming author Aisha (Rhea Chakraborty) who is travelling to Delhi from Mumbai with a friend. She meets Dev (Varun Mitra) a local guide, fall in love with each other and get married, within a few months she is pregnant, Dev is extremely happy, but she is not ready to have the baby, unfortunately she miscarries and loses her baby. Dev’s mother is very upset so insults and humiliates her. Aisha leaves Dev. They go in search of her but to no avail. Seven years later she is about to get married but calls it off as she is still in love with Dev.
Asha is on her way to Delhi when she meets Anu with her daughter Disha (Aanya Dureja) and gets talking and realises that they are Dev’s wife and daughter. She recollects everything about her marriage, but destiny takes her in a different direction. Dev is waiting for her novel to release which is titled ‘Jalebi’ which is her life story twisted and round.