The story of this film is based on a renowned journalist who is accused of rape by a junior journalist. This not only puts the agencies name into controversy but also jeopardizes the profession of journalism as a whole. The film also highlights how politicians misuse media for their selfish gains. The film is directed by Shailendra Pandey and produced by Shailendra Pandey and Anju Pandey. The film’s story is written by Shailendra Pandey and the screenplay is written by Kumar Vijay and Shailendra Pandey. The cinematography is by Kapil Gautam, Rajesh Mishra and Manish Pandit.
The star cast of the film includes Govind Namdev,Aman Verma,Justice PD Kode , Vedita Pratap Singh, Lalit Bisht, Rina Charaniya, Arvind Gaur, Surya Mohan Kulsherstha and Shwetank.