The story of this movie revolves around the life of three youngsters who aspire to achieve their dreams. Their parents give them all they need while growing up as far as education and basic needs are concerned. Their love and concern stays with their children much into adolescence and thereafter too when its time to choose their careers. However parents always dream of seeing their kids successful, especially in professions like doctors, engineers and so forth.
Its is easy for youngsters to lose their focus and become attracted to all the wrong company and lifestyles. As they say birds of a feather flock together, so the like-minded people tend to replicate each other’s behaviors and habits, which can sometimes be damaging. At times when things don’t go their way they become stressed and get into detrimental habits like drinking, smoking and drugs. Some even go as far as trying to commit suicide when life’s troubles get them down.
The movie is directed by Bisht and produced by Sanju Singh. The music is composed by Raja Pandit. The cinematography is by Ramesh Nautiyal and the choreography is by Jojo Khan.