Jwar Bhata is an Emotional-Romantic Family Tragedy Drama Film exceptionally crafted by Adurthi Subba Rao. The Story revolves around the life of Durgadas Prasad- the owner of Shriman Mills and living with his Son- but he gets married to a different background girl, leading Durgadas to disown his Son. Years later- he realizes his mistake and went to find his Son- but they died in an Accident, leaving Billoo- the grandson- behind. Durgaprasad hires a Secretary named Gayatri and brings Billoo home. They both fell in love, and after the death of Durgaprasad- Billoo was the sole proprietor of the Mills, but the evil relatives can do anything for ownership. Primary Starcast- Saira Banu, Dharmendra, Sujit Kumar