Rajesh, played by Akshay Oberoi lives a very directionless life until he meets a girl named Poonam, played by Piaa Bajpai from his university. He falls head over heels in love with her and finds ways to impress her. While Rajesh is trying to get Poonam’s attention he happens to meet Shankar, played by Randeep Hooda who runs an illegal trading unit.
Deeming it to be an easy way to make quick cash he takes Shankar’s advice and joins in his business. Eventually Rajesh starts his own unit and starts making money. He begins to show off his money to Poonam to get her attention and it works.
Meanwhile the police get information of the illegal business of Shankar and Rajesh and hatch a plan to zero in on them. When police reach the business unit, Shankar takes all the blame on himself leaving Rajesh and Poonam to live a happy life. He goes to jail for five years and on returning meets the couple to find they have named their son Shankar.
Lal Rang is directed by Syed Ahmad Afzal and produced by Nikita Thakur and Krian Media. The music is composed by Mathais Duplessy, Shiraz Uppal and Vipin Patwa.