The story of the movie revolves around a couple who is caught in the clutches of an extra marital affair. A theatre director named Sudhir, is happily married to his wife Seema. Everything seems to be going great and blissful for the couple till Sudhir gets extra busy with his work and starts to neglect his home and wife. She gets extremely lonely and upset with this behavior of his. It is then that she meets his friend TK, who tries to keep her company but things get out of hand when they both end up being romantically involved.
The film is directed by Gulzar and produced by Vikas Mohan. The music is composed by R D Burman and the story is written by Gulzar. The star cast includes Utpal Dutt, Naseeruddin Shah, Shabana Azmi, Raj Babbar and Annu Kapoor.