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Karim Musa aka Musa Bhai, played by Sanjay Dutt has luck play a very important role in his life. He has survived the mosque collapse as an infant in Mumbai, survived many accidents at 12 years of age and now at 19 is a gambler. He now plans to invest on people who are luck just like him. When Ram, played by Imran Khan is abducted by Tamang, he and Musa Bhai use him for his luck and play a game. Tamang then hired Major Lucky, played by Mithun Chakraborty who has survived in many wars. They then hire shortcut, played by Chitrashi Rawat from Pakistan who always wins camel races. They then hire Raghav, who survives death by hanging for raping and murdering women.


All the members are brought to South Africa to play the dangerous game. Once there they meet Ayesha, played by Shruti Hassan who has already played the game before and is a pro. The game begins with everyone shooting at the person on their right. Some guns have bullets, some don’t, so the lucky one survives. The next game is jumping with parachutes off a plane, the one’s whose parachutes open live rest die. The third game is being handcuffed around sharks and players have to find a key from 300 odd ones and escape. Shortcut unfortunately gets bitten by a shark and her leg is eaten but she survives and withdraws from the game.


In the end Musa Bhai survives and so does Ram and Natasha who is Ayesha’s twin sister. The movie is directed by Soham Shah and produced by Dhillin Mehta. The music is composed by Salim-Sulaiman.