Mann Udhan Vara is an Emotional-Romantic Musical-Social-Thriller Family Drama Marathi Film crafted with excellence by Sanjay Memane. The Story revolves around the life of Sarita- a sweet and kind girl living with her family in Mumbai and her life gets into trouble- when she was returning from work at night and faces sexual assault and this disturbs her life and she moves to a village for a new life and a kind man helps her to overcome the odds, leading to consequences. Primary Starcast- Monal Gajjar and Ritwij Vaidya
Website Name | Rating | Out Of | Critic Name | Review Link |
Maharashtra Times | 5 | 5 | Ibrahim Afgun | Click Here |
Pune Mirror | 2.5 | 5 | Ganesh Matkari | Click Here |
Times Of India | 2 | 5 | Ibrahim Afgun | Click Here |