Manzil is directed by Basu Chatterjee, produced by Jai Pawar, Raj Prakash & Ravi Suri. Released on 28th September 1979. It stars Amitabh Bachchan, Moushumi Chatterjee, Lalita Pawar & Rakesh Pandey.
A young an Ajay Chandra (Amitabh Bachchan) has big dreams, meets Aruna Khosla (Moushumi Chatterjee) a rich girl and both fall in love with each other. He pretends to be a rich man by borrowing a suit, car etc from his friend-chartered accountant Prakash Mariwala (Rakesh Pandey).
Anokhilal(A.K.Hangal) is a small time owner of a galvanometer ( Instrument to detect electric currents) and Ajay joins him by helping him buy old and getting new , but there are some people who want to buy him off but are unsuccessful so try buying Anokhilal by bribing him money for his daughter’s wedding. Ajay’s mother (Lalita Pawar) gives her insurance money to bail him out and when he is out she sells her gold, asks him to open his own shop . His friend Prakash gives him money to start his business.