Mee Raqsam is an Indian Hindi-language drama film produced and directed by Baba Azmi. Written by Safdar Mir and Husain Mir, the film tells the story of a young muslim girl who wants to become a dancer. It stars Naseeruddin Shah, Aditi Subedi, Danish Husain, Shraddha Kaul and Rakesh Chaturvedi Om in lead roles.
Mee Raqsam is an Indian Hindi-language drama film produced and directed by Baba Azmi. Written by Safdar Mir and Husain Mir, the film tells the story of a young muslim girl who wants to become a dancer. It stars Naseeruddin Shah, Aditi Subedi, Danish Husain, Shraddha Kaul and Rakesh Chaturvedi Om in lead roles.