Mrs. Undercover is an Upcoming Mystery-Crime-Thriller-Emotional-Romantic Musical Family Drama Film crafted with excellence and written by Anushree Mehta. The Story is expected to be revolving around the life of a kind and sweet housewife living with her husband and things turn complicated- when she becomes an undercover agent to save the people from the threat to their city- but fate plays a vital role, leading to consequences. Primary Starcast-Radhika Apte, Sumeet Vyas, Rajesh Sharma
Watch it as a light hearted family comedy. Radhika Apte is a treat. She wins over with her timid yet stern portrayal of more than what she is shown to be. Rajesh Sharma is unsurpassed in his yet another portrayal in a character role. Also Sumeet Vyas best acting, The climax is over dramatic.
A comedy-thriller with a low budget and a script about an undercover housewife. The depiction of chronic executioner and crude specialist is very idiotic. However, this is a fun film to watch with family. Funny despite being silly. Radhika Apte is an excellent entertainer as usual.