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Oh Henry

Released On - 14 Jun 2013     2hr 10min



The story centers on a celebrated author’s fixation with the central character of her grant winning novel HENRY. Megh (Memento Chatterjee), who is something else a media bashful individual, concurs to provide an meet to Akash (a senior writer) after winning the prestigious Kolkata Authors’ grant.

Within the course of the meet, Megh falls for Akash imagining him to be Henry, the culminate man from her novel and indeed energizes him to lock in in a sexual relationship with her which clearly he objects to as he is as of now in a relationship with Brishti (Puja Bose).

In the long run it is Brishti who safeguards Akash out of the clutches of the unsettled Megh who does not even realize that it isn't Akash whom she adores but is fixated with the thought of the culminate man Henry that she has made in her novel.