Pagle Aazam is a comedy that revolves around three men who are dumped by a girl. But soon after Rahul meets Ishita, their lives change and everything gets turned upside down when they get trapped in their own chaos.
Pagle Aazam is a Comedy Drama film- The Story mainly revolves around three characters who are ignored by a girl, and as it goes further the girl meets the protagonist whose name is Rahul, series of madness and comedy arises when they get trapped around their weird chaos The Director's of the film are Vikas P Kavthekar and APS Raghuvanshi . Crew- Cinematography by Badal Mani, Edited by Joykumar, Music by Puneet Dixit . Starring-Aditya Pratap Singh, Mandeep Kaur Mannnat, Sonia Sharma, Mannat procha, Liliput.