The story of Pal Pal Dil Ke Ssaat, revolves around a young pretty girl who is in love with a wealthy boy. They love each other and dream of a lovely blissful future together. The couple is so in love that the girl, played by Mahi Gill also looks after his ailing grandmother who he is apparently not talking to because of a fight they had. Now she has to reconcile grandson and grandmother. The couple’s romance is however never compromised.
Meanwhile many relatives keep coming in to meet the sick grandmother not so much because they are concerned about her health but greedy for her large property and wealth. There are moments of humor and confusion in the film, that make it entertaining. The movie is written and directed by V Krishna Kumar and produced by Sukra Arts Motion Picture Producers. The star cast of the movie includes Ajay Jadeja, Vinod Kambli, Satish Shah, Varun, Vivek Mishra, Anshul Nagar, Tanvir Azmi, Rajesh Tiwari, Sushma Seth and Chhavi Mittal. The music is composed by Abhishek Ray. The cinematography is done by Ramesh Nautiyal.