Directed by Shiv Hare, Pintu Ki Pappi is a full-length romantic comedy-action movie starring Shushant, Jaanyaa Joshi, and Vidhii. Vijay Raaz, Murali Sharma, Sunil Pal, Ali Asgar, Ajay Jadhav, Puja Banerjee, Aditi Sanwal, Ria S Soni, Urvashi Chauhan, Pyumori Mehta Das, Mukteshwar Ojha, and Ganesh Acharya are among the film's many supporting cast members. Vidhi Acharya is the producer of the movie under the banner of V2S Production & Entertainment. On February 21, 2025, Pintu Ki Pappi will be released in Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam.