Purani Kabar

Released On - 28 Aug 1998     1hr 58min

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Five good friends who are inseparable, want to make it big in life and become wealthy. Seeing no other quick way to get lots of money, they all decide to buy tickets each and see who has got any luck. After the tickets are sold to each one of them, To everyone’s surprise, the fifth friend wins the lottery and gets  a hefty amount as the prize. The other four friends are in awe and ask their friend to split the lottery money equally. This doesn’t go down well the friend and he flatly refuses to split the money and wants to keep it all for himself.


The four friends then come up with the final solution and kill the fifth friend and steal his money and split it between them. The deceased friend’s son grows up to be a police inspector and is very well aware of what was done to his father. He now wants revenge for his death. The movie is directed by K L Sheikh and produced by M Kartik. The star cast includes Rajeev Raj, Firdaus Mevawala, Kirti Shetty, Mohan Joshi, Shah Gayaz Khan, Harish Patel, Jack Gaud, Johny Nirmal and Jyoti Rana. The music is composed by Isfaq and the lyrics are written by Visshuraj.