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Ram Balram Aur Ramkali

Released On - 05 Aug 2005     2hr 0min



The film Ram Balram Aur Ramkali is based on the 1980’s hit of superstars Amitabh Bachchan titled Ram Balram. However, this movie has their duplicates who act and speak very much like them. Ram and Balram are two fearless and tough cops who are assigned the great task of capturing the notorious gangster Dudha Singh. It is a tough job of capturing the hooligan Dudha but someone has to do it as he is destroying the life of many and creating havoc everywhere he goes.


Another person interested in destroying Dudha Singh is Ramkali, who was raped by him years ago. She has now turned into a bandit and is hell bent of killing him. She joins forces with Ram and Balram to finish Dudha once and for all. But this is no easy job as, he is surrounded by his henchmen. They will have to be eliminated first.


The movie is written, directed and produced Dil Kumar. The music is composed by Mahesh Naik. The star cast of the movie includes Dhanjay, Kuber Manmouji, Reena Kapoor, Ramesh Goyal and Dudaram Gujjan.