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Riding On A Sunbeam

Released On - 26 May 2016     1hr 46min



Riding on a Sunbeam: Ventures through Space, Time, Life and Adore may be a extraordinary and energizing travel film that takes after Mauktik Kulkarni (an Design turned Neuroscience understudy turned Zen traveler) and Sammy Jo (a Berkeley undergrad taking a hole semester), in an unusual touristy way. Energetically, inexhaustibly and on events, intensely, they investigate the inconsistencies of our Indian society with curiously viewpoints, investigating financially created places nearby in reverse districts, staunchly nationalistic intellect sets side by side with the guerilla inclined pockets and the socially traditionalist components that co-exist with endless magnanimous ways of life, all inside the same India. Through littler stories experienced all through with the eyes of the two heroes, Mauktik, who presently turns to his possess nation after a 36-country trip, and Sammy, who has never seen India some time recently. The film makes a mosaic of India that's at once elating, intelligent, charming and bizarre, in a way that has seldom been seen some time recently.