Rishte Naate is an Emotional-Romantic Family Tragedy Drama Film crafted with excellence by K.S. Gopalakrishnan. The Story revolves around the life of Sunder (played by Raaj Kumar)- An Honest and loyal worker living in a Village- has been asked by Thakur (played by Nazir Hussain)- A Kind-Hearted Landlord to marry his Daughter-Kalpana (played by Jamuna) and he agrees with any doubt. They Marry and gave birth to a Daughter (played by Baby Shakila). Things get complicated- when Kalpana dies of an accident, leading Thakur to arrange Sunder's marriage with Savitri (played by Nutan)- the daughter of his friend and he agrees. But nor the child and nor the Sunder shows the same love to Savitri, leading to consequences.