Sarva Line Vyast Aahet is an Emotional-Romantic Musical-Social-Comedy-Thriller Family Drama Marathi Film crafted with excellence and written by Pradip Mestry. The Story revolves around the life of Sameer- a kind and shy oy living with his family and hesitates to talk with girls and this leads him into marriage problem- but his friend- Babya- a playboy- who vows to helps him to find a perfect bride- but things get chaotic- when Babya marriage gets fixed with Sameer love and leads to consequences. Primary Starcast-Mahesh Manjrekar, Siddharth Jadhav, Sanskruti Balgude, and Saurabh Gokhale.
Website Name | Rating | Out Of | Critic Name | Review Link |
Times Of India | 1.5 | 5 | Mihir Bhanage | Click Here |
Maharashtra Times | 1.5 | 5 | Kalpeshraj Kubal | Click Here |