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Satabdir Galpo

Released On - 01 Jan 2004     2hr 28min

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Bhimkanta, the night watch of a government office commits suicide clearing out behind his pregnant spouse and children in a hopeless condition. His spouse labanya composes to his office inquiring for his levy. Bhim's companion Dashu takes up the obligation of progressing to the office on Labanya's sake but the office in address may be a government one and the inconvenience begins consequently. No one appears to have any intrigued approximately work, nothing appears to move, and no one loans an ear to Bhim's rehashed offers. Ruddy tapism and legislative issues as it were includes to the burdens of Dashu who goes to all headings like a shuttlecock as everyone passes the buck. A long time go by but Bhim's record decays absent unsolved as the harsh workers keep themselves active with lottery, daily paper, saree trade, and soccer recreations. At a few point of time, crushed Dashu loses his mental adjust. An officer assaults Labanya and she is constrained to resort to prostitution. Her sees alter and all her desires disappear. That's why when she eventually gets the paycheck she tears it and tosses it absent.