Teen Paati is a 2010 comedy thriller film directed by Leena Yadav with an ensemble star cast consisting of Amitabh Bachchan, Ben Kingsley, R Madhavan, Shraddha Kapoor and others. The movie which had Mathematics as the major plot element told the story of a mathematician who invents a game only to have a series of thrilling moments coming his way with other players involved and huge money on the cards.
Teen Patti begins with the postal communication between a brilliant mathematician turned teacher and the world’s best mathematician regarding a meeting and the former explosion of his latest theories on maths which could bring about a revolution in the field. Then the movie goes on to show the troubled past the professor in relation to a game he plays on the internet after he makes a theory which could be a possible game changer with huge money involved. He recruits a group of live players to test the practicality of the theorem. The remaining story is concerned with an over the top and uncontrolled use of the theory resulting in a web of deceit and fraud among all parties involved. The film did not have an major impact among critics and public.