Teri Bhabhi Hai Pagle is an action comedy film directed and co-produced by Vinod Tiwari. The film is jointly produced by Raj Nostrum and Haresh Kumar along with Vinod Tiwari. The 2018 release film features stars Krushna Abhishek, Rajneesh Duggal, Deepshikha Nagpal, Mukul Dev, Sunil Paland, Nazia Hussain.
The film is inspired by the current situations in the film industry and he decided to make a film . It’s a story based on film line where in a filmmaker Dev casts his girlfriend Ragini in his film as the leading lady but has to save her from the advances of the star protagonist who is paired opposite her and also keep her away from the underworld financier Aru Bhai.
With the title Teri Bhabhi Hai Pagle one expects a comedy and surely would be a laugh a riot but this film is more of an action dramatic film that tackles the filmmaker who is anguished while making his debut film facing all odds and challenges. The unit lands in trouble in Goa, and he seeks help of Arubhai (Mukul Dev) who comes to bail him out but also has an eye on Dev’s girlfriend Ragini and the star of the film. How Dev and Ragini tackle the two and the unwarranted attention forms the main crux of the story .
i Pagle” is that it fails as a satire on a film that fails, by failing itself.