The movie revolves around the story of three men who are lonely and bored of their very mediocre lives and decide to go on a vacation to live life to the fullest. Thus, Lali, played by Anupam Kher, KD, played by Annu Kapoor and Pinky, played by Piyush Mishra plan to go to Mauritius. Lali is fed of his wife over religious attitude thus not spending time with him. KD is a self confessed bachelor and Pinky is in love with a Chinese woman who cant communicate with.
While in Mauritius they meet a pretty girl Ahana, who is a fashion designer and makes eccentric fashion pieces out of strange materials. The three men try to impress her by complementing her work even though they dislike it. Her boyfriend is and her have a troubled relationship because of the social media likes he gives her friends more than her.
Fed up of her boyfriends indifferent attitude Aahana tries to kill herself but sees her favorite actor Akshay Kumar and wishes to meet him. Pinky decides to get her to meet the star somehow. Turns out, that Akshay himself is battling alcoholism and loses out on a film offer. This infuriates him and he humiliates Pinky, KD, Lali and Aahana out of frustration. Later realizing his mistake he tells the media that the three elderly men are his uncles and Aahana is new actress in his film.
The Shaukeens is directed by Abhishek Sharma and produced by Ashwin Varde, Murad Khetani and Trilogic Digital Media. The music is composed by Yo Yo Honey Singh, Hard Kaur, Vikram Nagi and Arko Pravo Mukherjee.