Tishnagi directed by Sameer Khan , film released in May 2018 featuring Aryan Vaid, Rajpal Yadav, Qais Tanvee and Anushka Srivastava in the pivotal role. Supporting star cast Kaveri Priya and Sapna Rathod.
The story is about a software engineer and an honest cop who cross paths together as they tackle a series of murders which seems like the work of a psychotic killer. The film is about solving the mystery of a funny but scary psychotic killer. Apparently the killer is a jilted lover and is taking out his revenge on the society. A story that plays the blink and miss appearance to the whole film not much from an actor like Rajpal Yadav who otherwise has stolen the show in other films has very little to offer here. The actresses Anushka Srivastava, Kaveri Priya and Sapna Rathod have not much screen appearance.
The film is an over dose of watching a film in slow motion waiting for its end.