Titoo, played by Nishant Dahiya is an aspiring businessman and after many struggles and trying hard he has still not managed to hit the jackpot. He is ready to even take shortcuts to achieve his dreams, which sometimes gets him into trouble. He meets a sweet and pretty girl called Gulshan, played by Pragya Jaiswal who teaches PT to children in a local school.
Gulshan’s parents are looking for a suitable boy for her to get married but she doesn’t seem to like anyone, until she meets Titoo and they start connecting. They get married but Titoo hides his unsuccessful business venture from his wife. One of his friends gives him the advice of being a gigolo, which earns a lot of money, since that’s how he has made his money too.
Reluctant at first he gets into the profession and slowly his wife too finds out and gets upset. They separate with Gulshan completely heart broken at her husband’s antiques. He eventually apologizes to her and they re-unite. The movie is directed by Amit Vats and produced by Rajan Batra and Mayank Patel. The music is composed by Arjuna Harjai.