The story of the film revolves around five close friends namely Arjun, Rashid, Dominic, Mehernosh and Jayesh, who live in the over populated city of Mumbai. Although the youngsters love their lives slowly they begin to get tired of the stress and anxiety the city is bringing them. One of them decides to play football on a lazy Sunday and asks a random stranger to join him. This however doesn’t go well, as the ball hits a politician’s head on the beach. This immensely infuriates the lady and she banns all sports on the beach. This is a huge blow to the boys as it was the only way for them to relax. They all also have their own individual problems in life that they are struggling with.
The film is directed by Milind Dhaimade and produced by Varun Shah. The music is composed by Amartya Rahut and the cinematography is by Harendra Singh. The star cast includes Vishal Malhotra, Barun Sobti, Pallavi Batra and Shahane Goswami, Rama Joshi and Maanvi Gagroo.