Avtor Aamir Khan opened up about quitting smoking at the trailer launch of his son Junaid Khan's film Loveyapa in Mumbai on Friday. Aamir said that he had been contemplating leaving the bad habit. Aamir said, ' I have given up smoking, which is something I love very much and  I enjoy. what can I say, it's the truth, I can't lie Tobacco is something I enjoy, it's not good for health, and no one should do it.'

Aamir Khan also urged people not to smoke. 'Since a lot of people are listening and watching, I would also like to tell them, please quit this, it's not a good habit, it shouldn't be done,'

Aamir chose to quit smoking at a time when his son was all set to establish his career in the film industry, as he had taken a Mannat if his son Junaid Khan's debut turned out to be a box office hit, he would quit smoking!