Actress and environment advocate, Dia Mirza met with Padma Bhushan Dr Anil Joshi at the end of his Pragati Se Prakruti Path Yatra in Dehradun. He has engaged with over 50,000 people on his journey, covering 7 states, 60 cities, and 1000 villages with the intent to redirect our attention towards ecological/nature-based solutions to improve lives, livelihood and climate.

During their meeting, Dr Joshi introduced Dia to a compelling concept of GEP - Gross Environmental Product. If this index were to be adopted by every state in India, it would lead to a significant increase in #ClimateAction and address all 17 goals of sustainable development.

The UN Secretary-General’s Advocate for SDGs Dia Mirza took to her Instagram to showcase her experience meeting the inspiring man, and illustrate the kind of impact his ideas can have on the country's economic and ecological policy.