Known for his hits like Classmates and Mauli, among others, filmmaker Aditya Sarpotdar has been taking a break due to the lockdown in Pune. He is all set to bring an emotional and moving story based on three Koli Youths titled ‘Unaad’. The casting as well as the filming had begun in Konkan to keep the plot and characters more authentic. The film will be a musical and have 6 melodious songs in the film.


Unaad will portray the life, journey and struggles of three young Koli boys. It will be a realistic take on the youths of a Koli community with an intriguing plot. The film will be directed by Aditya Sarpotdar and produced by Ajit Arora. The film’s star cast includes Hemal Ingle and Devika Daftardar. The film is slated to hit the big screen soon.