Bollywood stars Aamir Khan and Akshay Kumar are all set to clash at the big box office on 11th August 2022, as both their films Laal Singh Chaddha and Raksha Bandhan respectively will be releasing on that date. Actress Bhumi Pednekar who is the leading lady in the latter took to her social media page to share the film’s release date and wrote, “Bringing you all a story of the purest form of bond that will remind you of yours! ❤️ #RakshaBandhan releasing in cinemas on 11th August, 2022. #ReturnToFeelings #RakshaBandhan11August.”

Aamir and Kareena Kapoor Khan’s Laal Singh Chaddha was earlier supposed to release in April 2022 but was pushed to avoid clash with Sanjay Dutt’s KGF Chapter 2. It will now release along with Aanand L Rai’s Raksha Bandhan on the independence weekend. Apart from this film, Akshay will also be seen in Selfiee, Gorkha and Ram Setu.