There might be many new comers hogging the limelight and getting meaty roles in Bollywood but our Khiladi Kumar has made a place for himself among them. In the span of his 3 decade long career, the actor has given us some of the biggest super hit films in the Indian film industry like Khiladi, Hera Pheri, Namastey London and many more. The actor is thus a force to be reckoned with and filmmakers go to him with their ambitious projects. The actor has now been approached to play King Shuldev based on Amish Tripathi’s popular book ‘Legend of Suheldev: The King Who Saved India’.


The Mission Mangal actor has verbally given his nod to the film and the final details will be confirmed soon. An internationally renowned stunt director is apparently been assigned to do the action scenes in the movie which will be of colossal magnitude.