One of the iconic filmmakers and melodious singer of the industry recently shared a cryptic post on his Instagram handle wherein he shared a cryptic and emotional note, which revealed that he has been ‘clinically depressed’ and attributed his relationship with his brother, Armaan Malik, to his parents. His post suggests that he might have distanced himself from his family on a personal ground and has an intent to maintain a professional relationship with his family. 

Amaal Mallik’s post stated that ‘I’ve reached a point where I can no longer be silent about the pain that I’ve endured. For years, I’ve been made to feel like I am less in spite of spending days & nights toiling away to make a safe life for my people. Cancelled every dream of mine to find myself to speak down to and question what I’ve ever done.

Further, he stated that ‘I have spent my blood, tears & sweat to create each one of the one hundred and twenty-six songs that have been released over the last decade.' While addressing the responsibility for his actions, he truly confessed that his self-worth has been thrashed numerous times by the cruel actions of his close ones, which left him torn apart and completely depressed.