In the official biopic titled "The Black Tiger," which is about Ravindra Kaushik, the greatest spy in Indian history, filmmaker Anurag Basu will appear behind the camera. When Ravindra Kaushik first went undercover for R&AW, he was just 20 years old. Because of his incredible success in breaking into the highest levels of the Pakistani Army, Kaushik is considered to be India's best spy thus far. The then-Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi, gave him the nickname "The Black Tiger."

Between 1974 and 1983, Indian security forces were always one step ahead of any move Pakistan planned to make thanks to his intuitive and timely reporting of important information. "The Black Tiger" director Anurag Basu has this to say about it: The story of Ravindra Kaushik is one of bravery and bravery. He was just 20 years old when he was involved in a lot of national and international security issues in the 1970s and 1980s that helped define India's and South Asia's geopolitical character. A great deal of our history is kept secret or forgotten. This unsung hero deserves to be recognized and learned about."

The family has also given their consent to the biopic, and they are supporting the filmmakers by sharing all of the information as well as the story through their eyes. Anurag Basu, R Vivek, Asvin Srivatsangam, and Divay Dhamija are the producers of "The Black Tiger."